Karuna Employability Development Trust (KEDT) is a platform designed for real-time testing of innovative learning methods targeted at specific learning outcomes listed under competencies.
Karuna Competency Framework Mapping System (K-CFMS) is a system for Real Time transmission of Competency Requirements of Employers to Educators and from higher segment educators to lower segment Educators.
The Karuna Employability Factor Test (KEFT) allows educators to identify gaps in specific learning outcomes listed under competencies and apply targeted learning tools on students, individually or in groups.
Employability Factor Score (EFS) is gauged at the end of one segment to find out how far the student is ready to be employed in a higher segment for further value addition.
Karuna Employability Development Trust (KEDT) is a platform designed for real-time testing of innovative learning methods targeted at specific learning outcomes listed under competencies.           Karuna Competency Framework Mapping System (K-CFMS) is a system for Real Time transmission of Competency Requirements of Employers to Educators and from higher segment educators to lower segment Educators.           The Karuna Employability Factor Test (KEFT) allows educators to identify gaps in specific learning outcomes listed under competencies and apply targeted learning tools on students, individually or in groups.           Employability Factor Score (EFS) is gauged at the end of one segment to find out how far the student is ready to be employed in a higher segment for further value addition.


Members' Meeting Place

  • Members : 898
  • projects : 69
  • visitors : 45143
  • Equipped With AI Enabled Analytics
  • Anchored on K-CFMS® by Karuna EdTech Pvt. Ltd.




Members' Meeting Place

Members : 898
Projects : 69
Visitors : 45143